I will be listing all my scavenger hunt photos in one posting, so they don’t clutter the place up. Will be updated as I complete the photos! 🙂
#1 – Favorite nerdy or fandom glass or cup
This is my Doctor Who mug – when you pour hot liquid into it, the TARDIS disappears from the street and magically appears floating in space on the opposite side! When the liquid cools, the TARDIS reappears, waiting for new adventures!

Doctor Who!
#2 – Comic Collection
OK – this is tricky for me because I don’t actually have a comic collection. I mean, I have a couple that I picked up online, so I guess that counts, right? I hope to add to it – I really like the Lumberjanes series!

My sad little comic collection
#3 – Favorite Candy
#4 – Favorite Nerd Shirt
#5 – Book Collection
#6 – Movie Collection
#7 – Find an animal
So…only one is a living animal, but it didn’t really specify, now did it! I couldn’t choose which one – I love them all. From Top Left: my Pittsburgh Pirates Parrot Pillow Pet (say that 5 times fast!), a curious pot-bellied pig that wandered into our yard one morning, a bright orange squirrel that lights up when you smash his butt against something, and last but not least, my beloved Capt. Furdinand MacNutty, the subject of my steampunk kids’ story.

#8 – Favorite Shoes
#9 – Take a 5 minute walk outside and photograph something you see
So, not technically taken during a 5 minute walk, but I was on my way to work and the cows were out! I love these ladies and their babies…so cute! Stinky at times, but cute!

Lovely morning!
#10 – Show off your workspace
This is where I spend my week days…not very exciting, is it?

Show off your workspace.
#11 – Take a photo of a letter you’ve received
Received this letter with my Summer Camp Care Package, courtesy of the lovely Raindrop!

Maaaaiiiilllll Caaaaallllll
#12 – Show off a regional dish from where you are
#13 – Capture your favorite time of day
#14 – Figurine based off of a movie character
#15 – Favorite button