Joanna of MyWord Jewelry was kind enough to tag me š
* Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their name as well as links to their blog.
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I have to sort my M&M’s (or Skittles, or Spree, or any other confectionary delight that comes in multiple colors) by color, and then I eat them in order from which color has the most to least – unless the one with the most is red. I save red for last always. Oh, and the “m” has to be facing up on all of them. Yes, I am a freak.
2. I was in marching band for all 4 years of high school. I’ve marched in the (former) RCA dome three times.
3. I would love to have pink hair.
4. I am an only child.
5. I am a music snob. I love music, but rest assured my taste is extremely ecclectic! My iPod has everything thing from the Andrews Sisters to KMFDM and pretty much everything in between…which leads me to #6…
6. (The SuperBall story is hard to top, Joanna!) I’ve met Sascha K of KMFDM in person. I even got his autograph. I felt like a tool in the process – the only thing I could think to say was, “Could I trouble you to sign my shirt?” *smacks forehead*
7. Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Ok, not really, but I can’t think of anything else that doesn’t involve music. Oh! My paternal grandmother wanted my mom to name me Rosebud. When my mom declined, she vowed never to call me Kim as it wasn’t a proper name. Up until the day she passed away, I was always Kimberly…never Kim. @}—}—
I’ve tagged Elise, Pam, Allison, the wonderful ladies behind 2 Sisters and Me, (wow, why is it so hard to find 7 people to tag?!) Adrienne, Suzanne, (phew, one more!) and that’s where I’ll end because I am having a REALLY hard time finding another blog to link to!
Yay! The thing about the M&Ms is really quite remarkable. š