IGGPPC House Organa 28 Days of Lists Challenge – Day 3: Things I’d Tell My Teen Self
February 3, 2015
- Don’t pay so much attention to what people think. It’s not important to impress others.
- Stay true to yourself – don’t sacrifice your likes and interests just because your friends don’t share them.
- Apply yourself in school. Seriously, you do the homework, just turn it in you weirdo. Don’t spend the last semester of high school in a panic because you’re thisclose to not passing. Turn in the work.
- Ask more questions. No one will think you’re dumb, and if they do, to hell with them!
- Don’t take your family for granted. Friends will come and go, but your family will stick with you.
- You’re going to get married at 20. I know, that seems shocking and no it’s not because some punk kid knocked you up. Don’t let others tell you you’re too young, or you’re rushing into it. Follow your heart, and I promise you, you’ll be happy.