CRAFT is asking that any one who is crafty participate to assist in getting to know your fellow artsy-fartsy folks (my words, not theirs)…so I figured, why the heck not! (Besides, how often do I actually interview myself? …um, never!)
After you read mine, be sure to check out the other awesome crafters!
One Project You Are Particularly Proud Of…The very first sewing project I ever embarked on was a birthday gift for my wonderful cousin who loves to bake…I made an apron and matching oven mitts. I was very intimidated, but it turned out quite cute…and best of all, it was functional! 🙂
Two Mistakes You’ve Made in the Past…
Not following through with a photo project I started, and not having more confidence in my abilities.
The photo project was titled “The Barn Project” and I set out to document some of the older barns in the surrounding area. Growing up in the Midwest, I’ve learned to have an appreciation for these old barns; sadly, many of them are decrepit and falling down. I wanted to learn more about their history and legacy, and hopefully preserve a little piece of Midwest heritage before the landscape gives way to urban sprawl. The project grew faster than I could keep up with, and it soon became a chore. I received several phone calls a day, and countless emails in my inbox; working a full time job while trying to juggle the project made it very stressful. I decided to let it die out, rather than follow through with it, and I regret that immensely.
The second mistake is an ever-raging battle I think most creative folks have – not believing in yourself, and grossly underestimating your capabilities on any project. I am forever second-guessing myself, talking myself out of trying something new for fear of failure; I get very frustrated with myself when I do try something and it doesn’t quite work out the way I envisioned it. My poor husband has to put up with so much when I start working on a craft project, and bless his heart for being so supportive!
Three Things That Make Your Work Unique…
While I’m not entirely sure my work is truly unique – creative folks are all inspired by outside influences, and I think that reflects a lot in what we work on – I would have to say that I tend to make things I like, rather than focusing on what I think others will like.
I like to tie in a lot of my surroundings to my work – if I’m in a place that is full of nature and trees and leaves, I tend to make very outdoorsy things. Since I spend a lot of time at work, I tend to make things I can keep on my desk or wear to work. I love showing off my handy skills to my co-workers J
And I suppose the third thing would be that it’s made by me! J My work always has a lot of my personality in it, which is one of my favorite things about being creative!
Four Tools You Love to Use…
Watch parts
Hot glue gun
Five Inspirations…